best yoga teacher

best yoga teacher

vinyasa yoga

What is Vinyasa Yoga?

Vinyasa refers to a style of yoga that highlights the smooth interplay between breath and movement. While it shares similarities with styles like Hatha and Ashtanga, it stands out due to its emphasis on the fluidity of movement and individual expression. Many contemporary yoga studios offer Vinyasa classes, appealing to a wide range of practitioners […]

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Restorative Yoga, Specialized Programs, Traditional Yogashram, Yoga Teacher Training, Yogashram
best yoga teacher training

How to choose the best yoga teacher training school in India?

Selecting the right Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) school in India is a crucial step for those looking to enhance their practice and become certified yoga instructors. With so many schools to choose from, particularly in popular locations like Rishikesh, Goa, and Kerala, the decision can feel overwhelming. Here are some key considerations to help you

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Restorative Yoga, Specialized Programs, Teacher Training Programs, Yoga Teacher Training, Yogashram